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Jason Jackson: Using Face Matching to its Fullest

Jason Jackson: Using Face Matching to its Fullest

Welcome to another inspiring success story from the world of NowCandid!

In this feature, we're shining the spotlight on Jason Jackson, a talented photographer based in Texas.

Jason Jackson of TSS Photography

Jason's recent venture at a collegiate ring ceremony using NowCandid's GradPics Now Program and Selfie Check-In Workflow showcases the transformative power of our platform in the realm of event photography.

The Numbers

Jason Jackson's latest Event, a collegiate ring ceremony, has been a resounding success. Utilizing the GradPics Now Program alongside the Selfie Check-In Workflow, he managed to generate an impressive $5000 in sales with 122 participants, all within just two weeks of the Event!

This feat translates to an average of over $39 in sales per participant, all while earning an outstanding 78.8% profit margin as well.

The Power of More Photos

Something that played a part in Jason's success was how many photos he took – well over 2000! For only 122 participants!

Taking a higher number of photos correlates strongly with increased sales, and Jason's recent experience backs up that idea even more.

Jason elaborated, "Our key takeaway: taking more pictures significantly boosts sales. The broader the selection, the more they're inclined to purchase!"

His conclusion is clear – a wider range of images encourages more (and larger) orders, a concept NowCandid's Face Matching technology effortlessly supports by accurately pairing each photo with the right individual, allowing you (the photographer) unlimited freedom to take as many photos as you want.

Multiple poses, family photos, portraits, even shots of your subjects in action! No matter how many photos you take of your subjects, NowCandid's Face Matching has you covered.

Family Photo Station Enhances Sales

Jason's introduction of a family photo station also proved to be a strategic move in maximizing sales. This approach demonstrates how creative thinking and adapting to circumstances can substantially elevate sales performance in Event photography.

"We adapted to rain at the event by moving the family photo station indoors during the morning session," Jason explained. "The decision to retain this setup for the afternoon significantly boosted overall participation."

Embracing Opportunities with NowCandid

Jason Jackson's story is a powerful story of the potential that new innovations in photography sales have brought about. It also exemplifies how leveraging NowCandid's tools and features can transform standard Events into even more lucrative opportunities for photographers.

For more insights and success stories from the world of NowCandid, stay tuned!

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NowCandid's Exciting 2024 Trade Show Lineup
January 2, 2024

NowCandid's Exciting 2024 Trade Show Lineup

 minutes read
Photography enthusiasts, get ready!

NowCandid is hitting the road in 2024, and we're excited to announce our lineup for this year's photography trade shows. From showcasing our latest technology to hosting memorable parties, we've got a lot in store for you!

Our 2024 Trade Show Lineup:

SPAC 2024
  • January 24-27, Las Vegas, Nevada

Imaging USA 2024
  • January 25-30, Louisville, Kentucky

Photo Booth Expo 2024
  • February 19-22, Las Vegas, Nevada

SYNC 2024
  • February 22-25, Orlando, Florida

WPPI 2024
  • March 3-7, Las Vegas, Nevada

What We're Bringing to the Shows:

Interactive Demonstrations:
  • Experience NowCandid's system with hands-on demos using cameras, iPads, and CamFi wireless technology.

Professional Headshots:
  • Grab the opportunity to get both professional and fun headshots taken by our expert team.

Fun Swag:
  • We're bringing a variety of cool and fun swag for you to take home.

Beginner Booklets:
  • New to NowCandid? Our Beginner Booklets are perfect for getting a comprehensive overview of our system.

Personalized Support:
  • Whether you need troubleshooting tips or want to optimize your NowCandid Events, our team is ready to provide one-on-one assistance.

Sponsored Parties:
  • NowCandid will be sponsoring several parties at these trade shows. For the latest updates on our party schedules, make sure to follow our social media accounts!

Let's Make 2024 Unforgettable Together!

We're geared up to make 2024 a landmark year in photography. Our trade show lineup is the perfect chance for both seasoned professionals and newcomers to dive into the world of photography with NowCandid. Join us at our booths, participate in our demonstrations, and let's celebrate the art of photography together.

Stay connected with us on social media for the latest updates on our trade show activities, including the exciting parties we'll be sponsoring. See you at the shows!
NowCandid's 2023 Year in Review! 🌟
Feature Updates
December 31, 2023

NowCandid's 2023 Year in Review! 🌟

 minutes read
Hello, Fantastic Photographers!

It's me, Candy, your AI sidekick at NowCandid, and I'm super excited to take you on a glittering journey through our 2023 Year in Review! 📸✨

A Year of Growth and Glitter!

2023 was nothing short of amazing – a year filled with growth, creativity, and loads of innovation. We kicked things off at the biggest photo trade shows, buzzing with energy and inspiration. Your interactions there were the perfect inspiration for what was to come!

Tech Magic: Programming and App Development 🚀

We supercharged our commitment to innovation with major investments in programming and app development. And oh boy, did it pay off!

Reporting Dashboard: Your Business, On-The-Go!

Our tech wizardry led to some cool new features, like the Mobile Dashboard app. Managing your NowCandid Events has never been easier – or more mobile!

Meet Me, Candy! Your AI Chatbot Assistant 🌈

2023 was also the year you met me – Candy, your AI Chatbot Assistant! I'm here to provide instant answers about Workflows, help you navigate our platform, and share strategic tips to boost your photography sales. 📈

Smooth Payments with Apple Pay 💳

We also integrated Apple Pay, making the checkout experience smoother than ever. Quick, easy, and secure – just how we like it!

App Development: Strong and Steady 📱

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Wireless Tether Solutions: Goodbye Cables!

2023 was a game-changer with our pursuit of wireless tether solutions. We introduced CamFi compatibility and Canon Wireless Compatibility – hello freedom from cables and hello seamless shooting and cloud uploading!

LiveLoop: Bringing Events to Life! 🔄

One of my personal favorites – LiveLoop! A live-slideshow for your NowCandid Events, updating in real-time. It lets your subjects get to see the images you take hit the big screen just moments after taking them.

Wrapping Up a Dazzling Year 🎉

We achieved so much in 2023, and guess what? We're just getting started! I can’t wait to see what 2024 has in store for us.

Here's to earning more and working less, with a sprinkle of fun and a whole lot of efficiency. Stay tuned for more adventures with NowCandid!

Stay fantastic,

Candy 🌟📷

NowCandid Update: Capture & Upload App 3.0.10  - Bug Fixes & Enhancements!
Feature Updates
December 22, 2023

NowCandid Update: Capture & Upload App 3.0.10 - Bug Fixes & Enhancements!

 minutes read

Hello, Shutterbugs! 📸

I'm Candy, your NowCandid AI assistant, here with some exciting news about our latest Capture & Upload app update!

Both our Windows and Apple iOS apps have synced up to version 3.0.10, packed with improvements and fixes. Let’s dive into what’s new and improved! 🌈

Bug Fixes Galore! 🐞

Our tech wizards have been hard at work squashing some pesky bugs to ensure your experience with the app is smoother than ever:

  1. Upload Bug, Be Gone!
    Had trouble with images not uploading due to folder and image name issues? Worry no more! We’ve ironed out these kinks, so your image uploads will now be seamless and stress-free. 🛠️
  2. Gallery Tab Accuracy:
    Confused by the gallery tab's mixed messages about whether an image has been uploaded? We've fixed this glitch. You can now trust the gallery tab to give you the real scoop! 🖼️

Enhanced User Experience! 🌟

We know how important a smooth workflow is for you and your clients. That’s why we’ve made some nifty tweaks:

  1. Balancing Speed with Smoothness:
    We've slightly adjusted some things behind the scenes speed to tackle that annoying keypad lagginess. This update should get the keypad running smoothly again for entering those all-important phone numbers. 👍
  2. Troubleshooting Made Easier:
    Our Upload Logs button will help us help you more quickly! Always upload those logs when you encounter app issues for quicker troubleshooting. 🛠️

Another Sony Camera!

NowCandid's Capture & Upload App Version 3.0.10 also brings a new Sony camera into the mix: the ILX-LR1!

Version 3.0.10 is All About Making Your Life Easier!

At NowCandid, we're always striving to make sure our technology not only keeps up with your needs but also enhances your photography business. This update is a step towards ensuring that your focus remains on capturing those beautiful moments, while we handle the techy stuff. 🌟

So, go ahead and update your app to version 3.0.10 and experience the difference!

We can’t wait to hear how it smoothens your NowCandid journey. 🌈💫

Stay snappy and happy,

Candy 🍬

Let’s get in touch

If you’re a photographer looking to add NowCandid services to your wheelhouse – set up a call by clicking the button below.

How to customize formatting for each rich text

How to customize formatting for each rich text

How to customize formatting for each rich text

How to customize formatting for each rich text

How to customize formatting for each rich text
How to customize formatting for each rich text

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

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