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With PartyPics Now, making money at social & special events is fast and easy. Guests will receive links to their personal image galleries via text, where they can view and buy photo products and downloads in real time.
With PartyPics Now, making money at social & special events is fast and easy. Guests will receive links to their personal image galleries via text, where they can view and buy photo products and downloads in real time.
Workflows are methods of collecting data and pairing images to subjects.
Tap-A-Face, Selfie Check-In, and Type & Take are the recommended Workflows for PartyPics Now
Start by photographing the subject, their image will upload in real time to the tablet, and they will be asked to tap their image and enter contact data, either a phone number and/or email address.
Face matching pairs their image and data is only collected once.
A link to their personal image gallery is sent within minutes of the first image upload.
Alternative Workflows include FaceMatch Import, Scanner ID, and Name Lookup.
If you’re a photographer looking to add Now Candid services to your wheelhouse – set up a call by clicking the button below.