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Use the tabs below to show customizable marketing materials by Program. Some of our materials include a spot for a QR code. You can create your own QR codes using this link.
A template for a document that your clients can review & sign when hiring your photography services.
Front of Event Pics card touting benefits for event guests. Make sure to grab the back of this card.
Back of Event Pics card touting benefits for event guests. Make sure to grab the front of this card.
Front of Event Pics card touting benefits for event guests. Make sure to grab the back of this card.
Back of Event Pics card touting benefits for event guests. Make sure to grab the front of this card.
Event Pics Poster size 20"x24", use to advertise for weddings, all parties, and/or family and class reunions.
Demonstrates how guests enter their info and view photos at a football game.
A template for a document that your clients can review & sign when hiring your photography services.
9"x6" Holiday Event Card Front. Make sure to grab the design for the front.
9"x6" Holiday Event Card Front. Make sure to grab the design for the back.
Ad graphic for holiday parties and events with a blue background.
Ad graphic for holiday parties and events with a red background.
Video demonstration aimed at gatekeepers to share the data entry process.
Demonstrates two SportsPics Now Workflows.
Vertical Announcer Card for High School Graduations
Horizontal Announcer Card for College Graduations
Demonstrating acceptable selfie examples and workflow.
If you’re a photographer looking to add NowCandid services to your wheelhouse – set up a call with us!