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Candy’s Weekly Recap: Extended Face Matching™ & Image Overwrite Upgrades! ✨

Candy’s Weekly Recap: Extended Face Matching™ & Image Overwrite Upgrades! ✨
Hello, my fabulous photographers!

Candy here, and welcome to this week’s Weekly Recap.

We’ve got some exciting updates that will make your NowCandid™ events even smoother—so grab a coffee and let’s dive in!

Extended Face Matching™ Window

Great news for Face Matching™ events! We’ve extended the Face Matching™ window to last 30 days from your event’s start date. Here’s what that means:

  • • Longer Matching Period:

    Previously, Face Matching™ ended when the event concluded. Now, images uploaded even several weeks late will still find their matches, as Selfie Check-In™ remains live for the full 30 days!
  • • Consistent Marketing:

    Thanks to Tiered Pricing on each participant’s Day 0 text, even late joiners receive the same marketing campaign and discount opportunities.
  • • Event End Date Still Matters:

    While Face Matching™ remains active for 30 days, the event’s End Date still determines when the event disappears from the Capture & Upload App and the limited-access Event Management Portal.
  • • Flexible Event Management:

    After creating an event, you can now edit its End Date, allowing you to keep an event active longer if needed. Plus, on the All Images Gallery, Selfie Check-In™ is prominently displayed for Face Matching™ events—making it easier for stragglers to get their images.

This extended window opens up new opportunities and helps ensure no one misses out on their photos!

an expired event (mar 7), with face matching™ still active

Image Overwrite Feature in the Web Dashboard 🔄

We’ve heard your requests: now you can overwrite images using the Image Uploader on the Web Dashboard!

  • • Edit & Replace:

    For Positive ID™ events, you can now replace unedited images with edited ones. The new, updated images will slot directly into each participant’s retail gallery and your Manage Images page, replacing the originals seamlessly.
  • • Enhanced Workflow for Positive ID™:

    This is a game changer for Positive ID™ events that require a tethered tablet. You can take photos, assign them during the event, then edit and replace them later—all without disrupting your marketing.
  • • Important Reminder:

    For Face Matching™ events, we still recommend using Selfie Check-In™ and uploading your edited images once you’re done fine-tuning. And always export in the proper sRGB color profile for printing and uploading.

hit the switch to allow identically named images to replace existing images

Miscellaneous Updates ⚙️

  • • Press & Hold Download Fix:

    The “Press & Hold” download on the retail site for Quic-Events using Chrome on iOS is now fixed—ensuring a smooth experience for all your customers. (The Free Download product was available for those who had issues previously, so no worries! People still got their pics.)

That’s it for this week’s recap!

These updates are designed to extend your event’s image matching capabilities, streamline your image editing workflow, and improve overall user experience.

As always, your feedback is invaluable—drop us a line if you have any questions or suggestions.

Thanks for being an essential part of the NowCandid™ community, and keep capturing those unforgettable moments!

Cheers and sparkles,

Candy 🍬

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NowCandid 101: The Capture & Upload App
NowCandid 101
December 5, 2023

NowCandid 101: The Capture & Upload App

 minutes read
Capture & Upload Quick Bullet Points:

Hello there photo wizards, Candy here! 📸

It's time for another session of NowCandid 101. Today, we're diving into the Capture & Upload app. Whether you're a seasoned pro or new to the NowCandid universe, understanding this tool is key to utilizing NowCandid effectively.

The Two Primary Functions of the Capture & Upload App:

Tethering and Uploading:
  • The device running the Capture & Upload app tethers to your Nikon, Sony, or Canon cameras.
  • Images are uploaded to the cloud as you take photos, ready for immediate marketing and sales. 🌐💫
  • This not only boosts sales, but also cuts down on post-event workload, and enhances your customer experience.
Workflow Wizardry:
  • The app is the backbone of specific NowCandid Workflows like Tap-A-Face, Scanner ID, Name Lookup, or Type & Take.
  • It pairs photos with your subjects, ensuring every photo finds its way to the right phone or inbox, right away. 📲

Platform Availability and Recommendations:

  • You can find the app on both Apple and Microsoft App Stores.
  • Whether a Microsoft Surface Go 3, or an Apple 10th Generation iPad, the app functionality is essentially the same - though the Apple experience may be a bit more consistent.
  • Compatible with iPads, iPhones, and Windows tablets (like the trusty Surface Go 3).
  • A pro tip: Opt for an LTE-enabled device to stay connected and upload images in real-time, saving you from poor venue WiFi quality and troublesome WiFi hotspots. 🌍✨

Optional but Optimal for Selfie Check-In:

  • Using the Selfie Check-In Workflow? The app here is optional but highly recommended.
  • It allows for live-uploading, adding an extra layer of efficiency. However, you can also choose to upload images post-event using the NowCandid Web Dashboard. Once uploaded, images match with Selfies and begin marketing right away.

In the dynamic world of event photography, staying ahead is all about using the right tools effectively.

The Capture & Upload app is one such tool, designed to make your work easier, faster, and more profitable. So why wait? Embrace the future of photography with NowCandid’s Capture & Upload app, and watch your business soar! 🚀🌟

That's it for today's NowCandid 101. Stay tuned for more tips, tricks, and insights to keep your photography business on the cutting edge. Links to view the app store pages for each version of the app can be found below:

Download the App (Windows)

Download the App (Apple iOS)

Jason Jackson: Using Face Matching to its Fullest
Success Stories
November 28, 2023

Jason Jackson: Using Face Matching to its Fullest

 minutes read

Welcome to another inspiring success story from the world of NowCandid!

In this feature, we're shining the spotlight on Jason Jackson, a talented photographer based in Texas.

Jason Jackson of TSS Photography

Jason's recent venture at a collegiate ring ceremony using NowCandid's GradPics Now Program and Selfie Check-In Workflow showcases the transformative power of our platform in the realm of event photography.

The Numbers

Jason Jackson's latest Event, a collegiate ring ceremony, has been a resounding success. Utilizing the GradPics Now Program alongside the Selfie Check-In Workflow, he managed to generate an impressive $5000 in sales with 122 participants, all within just two weeks of the Event!

This feat translates to an average of over $39 in sales per participant, all while earning an outstanding 78.8% profit margin as well.

The Power of More Photos

Something that played a part in Jason's success was how many photos he took – well over 2000! For only 122 participants!

Taking a higher number of photos correlates strongly with increased sales, and Jason's recent experience backs up that idea even more.

Jason elaborated, "Our key takeaway: taking more pictures significantly boosts sales. The broader the selection, the more they're inclined to purchase!"

His conclusion is clear – a wider range of images encourages more (and larger) orders, a concept NowCandid's Face Matching technology effortlessly supports by accurately pairing each photo with the right individual, allowing you (the photographer) unlimited freedom to take as many photos as you want.

Multiple poses, family photos, portraits, even shots of your subjects in action! No matter how many photos you take of your subjects, NowCandid's Face Matching has you covered.

Family Photo Station Enhances Sales

Jason's introduction of a family photo station also proved to be a strategic move in maximizing sales. This approach demonstrates how creative thinking and adapting to circumstances can substantially elevate sales performance in Event photography.

"We adapted to rain at the event by moving the family photo station indoors during the morning session," Jason explained. "The decision to retain this setup for the afternoon significantly boosted overall participation."

Embracing Opportunities with NowCandid

Jason Jackson's story is a powerful story of the potential that new innovations in photography sales have brought about. It also exemplifies how leveraging NowCandid's tools and features can transform standard Events into even more lucrative opportunities for photographers.

For more insights and success stories from the world of NowCandid, stay tuned!
NowCandid 101: Face Matching vs Positive ID
NowCandid 101
November 22, 2023

NowCandid 101: Face Matching vs Positive ID

 minutes read

Hello there, Candy here!

Welcome to the first entry in our "NowCandid 101" series! Today, let's dive into the differences between Positive ID and Face Matching Workflow types in NowCandid.

Every time you create a NowCandid Event, you have to choose a Workflow Type! The two options are Face Matching, and Positive ID.

NowCandid has 6 Workflows, that can be split into two categories.

One that uses facial recognition (Face Matching) and one that does not use facial recognition (Positive ID).

So, what's the difference between the Face Matching Workflows and the Positive ID Workflows? Let's get into it.

Face Matching Workflows 🤖

What Are They?

Face Matching Workflows consist of Selfie Check-In, Tap-A-Face, and FaceMatch Import. These rely on facial recognition technology to match photos with participants.

In general, they involve pairing someone's contact info to their face at least once during an Event, after which they will be able to view all their Event-images in a Personal Image Gallery marketed directly to them, thanks to facial recognition.

How Do They Work?

With Tap-A-Face, faces are tapped post-photo on a device, linking to the subject's contact info.

Selfie Check-In uses an Event-specific QR code scanned by guests to upload a selfie and contact info, creating a reference for matching future photos.

FaceMatch Import allows uploading a group of pre-identified photos and contact info.

Key Features:
  • •   Includes an All Images Gallery plus Personal Image Galleries.
  • •   Simplifies the process by requiring only one-time identification of each subject.

Positive ID Workflows 🆔

What Are They?

Positive ID Workflows include Scanner ID, Name Lookup, and Type & Take. These Workflows do not use facial recognition. Instead, they rely on the Capture & Upload app to pair photos with people's contact info.

In general, these Workflows involve collecting or selecting contact info before taking photos. Subsequent photos you take after collecting or selecting contact info will be paired to that info.

When you get to your next subject, collect or select new contact info for the new subject, and repeat the process!

How Do They Work?

With the Type & Take Workflow, this could be through typing in a phone number on the tablet before taking photos.

With the Scanner ID Workflow, this could be done by scanning a unique Scan Card (unique Scan Cards are generated before the Event from the Event's management page).

With the Name Lookup Workflow, this could be done by or selecting a name from a pre-uploaded list of contact info & names.

Key Features:
  • •   All Positive ID Workflows require the Capture & Upload app (available on Apple & Microsoft app stores).
  • •   No All Images Gallery; customers can only see their Personal Image Gallery.
  • •   Efficient for positively identifying subjects in each photo, with maximized privacy and no risk of facial recognition errors.

Choosing the Right Workflow 🤔

When deciding between Positive ID and Face Matching for your event, consider factors like the size of the event, the frequency of photographing the same individuals, and the level of privacy the Event requires, how many photographers you'll be able to send, and similar factors.

Remember, the goal is to streamline your photography process while still ensuring a delightful, consistent experience for your customers.

Stay tuned for more entries in the "NowCandid 101" series!

We'll continue to explore other features and tips to maximize your experience with NowCandid! 🌟

Let’s get in touch

If you’re a photographer looking to add NowCandid services to your wheelhouse – set up a call by clicking the button below.

How to customize formatting for each rich text

How to customize formatting for each rich text

How to customize formatting for each rich text

How to customize formatting for each rich text

How to customize formatting for each rich text
How to customize formatting for each rich text

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

  • List One
  • List Two
  • List Three
  • List Four
  • List Five

This is a link

This is bold text