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Grad Season 2024 Mid-Season Report: Small Grads Outperforming Expectations

Grad Season 2024 Mid-Season Report: Small Grads Outperforming Expectations

We have talked about graduations a lot in our blog posts lately, as we try to help photographers be as prepared as possible for graduation season this year. And now, it's time to look at some numbers, and see what kinds of Events are performing well so far. After which, we'll discuss the findings.

Small Graduations Leading the Way 🌟

As the title implies, small graduations (graduations in the 50-250 graduate range) have been some of the top performers so far this grad season. While some larger graduations have more total sales overall thanks to the large number of participants, certain smaller graduations have sales per graduate averages that blow large graduations out of the water.

Below are a few examples of GradPics Now graduations that have taken place in either April or May of this year. Keep in mind these are sales so far and being these Events are recent, these numbers will continue to rise.

Note: Many details have been removed, summarized, or approximated to preserve privacy for all parties involved with these Events.

  • An Oklahoma Medical School Graduation
    • ~100 graduates
    • ~$48 sales per graduate
    • ~$4,800 in sales

  • A Kansas Medical School Graduation
    • ~150 graduates
    • ~$49 sales per graduate
    • ~$7,350 in sales

  • A Texas Ring Ceremony
    • ~200 graduates
    • ~$46.50 sales per graduate
    • ~$9,300 in sales

  • A Louisiana High School Graduation
    • ~75 graduates
    • ~$31 sales per graduate
    • ~$2,325 in sales

  • A Small Arkansas College Graduation
    • ~250 graduates
    • ~$31.50 sales per graduate
    • ~$7,875 in sales

5 quick examples, 5 different locations, and even some variety in terms of the type of ceremony. But all of them were relatively small. And yet, their sales per graduate averages far exceed the $20 sales per graduate benchmark we expect photographers to hit when doing a good job of implementing GradPics Now's best practices.

Why Are Small Graduations Excelling? 🤔

Are these more intimate graduation ceremonies more conducive to better photography? OR, is this a question of staffing? Perhaps it is simply easier to execute Selfie Check-In well, and take more pictures per graduate when there are fewer graduates to photograph. Several of these top-performing Events are related to medical schools; could that demographic have a lot of overlap with photo-buyers?

As always, the answer is likely a mix of all the above. However, I suspect that the most influential factor is the staffing.

Many photographers, especially those using NowCandid, are either just branching out into graduations for the first time or are just beginning their journey of scaling up and growing their photo business. To maximize your graduation sales, you need good quality pictures and a lot of them. Getting a strong image per graduate count is one of the best ways to improve your sales and sales per graduate averages - second only to doing a good job with Selfie Check-In for the Event.

Photographers that are new to graduations or still working to grow their business likely cannot send a large enough staff to large graduation ceremonies to cover them as effectively as the same staff could cover a smaller graduation. With a better photographer-to-graduate ratio, it becomes easier to focus on getting good pictures and increasing your image per graduate averages, and thus, better sales per graduate averages.

What This Means for You 📊

All in all, following the best practices we have outlined in our recent graduation-related posts are the best ways to increase your graduation sales and to provide both yourself and your customers with a smooth, streamlined graduation experience:

But perhaps we have not talked enough about proper staffing, as the exceptional averages at certain smaller ceremonies outshining NowCandid's larger ceremony averages are noteworthy.

And of course, maybe most importantly of all, is to realize that small graduations can be extremely lucrative when care is put into them! So, consider booking some of the smaller graduations you may have shied away from in the past. Plus, it can be helpful to avoid putting all your eggs into just a few large graduations you have. Schools can be fickle, and you never know when one may decide to switch providers.

That's all for now!

Happy snapping,

Jack III

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Capturing Success: How to Book Graduation Ceremony Photography Jobs Like a Pro
April 4, 2023

Capturing Success: How to Book Graduation Ceremony Photography Jobs Like a Pro

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Graduation ceremonies are a golden opportunity for photographers. With proud parents, beaming graduates, and memories to last a lifetime, these events are the perfect stage for capturing unforgettable moments. But how do you land these lucrative gigs? In this blog post, we'll share insider tips on how to book graduation ceremony photography jobs and create lasting success. And with NowCandid by your side, you'll have the support and tools you need to shine in the academic spotlight.

  1. Build a Stellar Portfolio:
    First things first, you need to showcase your skills as a graduation photographer. Create a specialized portfolio featuring your best work from past graduation ceremonies. If you're just starting out, consider offering your services for free or at a discounted rate to build your experience and gain valuable client testimonials. Or, try starting out with some smaller graduation ceremonies that are not as contested by competing photographers!
  2. Network with Schools and Universities:
    Build relationships with school administrators, counselors, and event coordinators. Attend school events, join local education associations, and engage in conversations on social media platforms. Establishing connections in the education community will help open doors to potential photography opportunities.
  3. Leverage Social Media and Online Marketing:
    Create a strong online presence to showcase your work and attract clients. Use social media platforms, SEO, and email marketing to promote your services and drive traffic to your website. Share captivating images from past graduation ceremonies, client testimonials, and behind-the-scenes content to engage your audience and demonstrate your expertise. 
  4. Partner with Local Businesses:
    Collaborate with local businesses that cater to graduates, such as cap & gown vendors, school ring vendors, or varsity jacket vendors as a couple examples. These partnerships can lead to valuable referrals and create a network of resources that benefits all parties involved.
  5. Provide Exceptional Customer Service:
    Go above and beyond to make your clients feel special. Be responsive, professional, and attentive to their needs. Offer personalized consultations, accommodate special requests, and deliver a memorable experience that will leave them singing your praises. NowCandid's platform can help you streamline your workflow and ensure a smooth customer experience from start to finish.
  6. Ask for Referrals and Testimonials:
    Word of mouth is a powerful marketing tool. Encourage satisfied clients to refer you to their friends and colleagues, and request testimonials for your website and marketing materials. A strong reputation will keep the bookings rolling in.

Booking graduation ceremony photography jobs can be both rewarding and profitable. By building a compelling portfolio, networking with schools and universities, and leveraging the power of NowCandid, you'll be well on your way to capturing success in the world of academic photography. So, put on your metaphorical cap and gown, and get ready to celebrate your achievements in the graduation photography business!

New Reporting Feature
Feature Updates
March 7, 2023

New Reporting Feature

 minutes read
Recently, we rolled out a much-needed reporting tool for our NowCandid™ users!

Two new reporting tools that will be able to give you a macro view into your business’s performance, as well as a lot of helpful data and analytics on your events!


Tool #1, the Sales Report:

This report focuses on reporting all your sales within a date range! It’s filterable by which NowCandid™ program you’re using as well and can report your sales by day or your sales by month. Once you have your date range, filters, and date format set, you’ll get a reactive bar graph as well as a series of totals and averages for your sales performance within that date range! This report is great for quickly getting an idea of your overall income and margin.


Tool #2, the Events Report:

This second report is where you can really dig into your various metrics. Instead of reporting on all sales during a date range, when you choose a date range, you’re selecting all the events that have a Start Date within that date range. Those events and their totals will be what’s included in this report! So residual sales on older events would not be included like they would be in the Sales Report. After you choose a date range, this report can also be filtered by NowCandid™ program!

You can also choose whether to include $0 sale test events you may have made, so that you don’t drag down your averages on this report. If there are any non-$0 sale events you don’t want included, you can click the checkbox by the event to remove it from your total and averages as well! And lastly, once the information you are interested in is being displayed to you, you can export the data to preserve as a spreadsheet on your own device.


With several ways to look at your business’s performance, we believe these tools will be a great benefit to our users and help them make the most of their account with NowCandid™.

Our users will no longer have to guess or run a separate spreadsheet to understand their business’ performance or their overall margins.

Let us know if you have any questions or feedback!

Backprinting: The newest feature to promote your brand
March 3, 2023

Backprinting: The newest feature to promote your brand

 minutes read

With NowCandid, we stress how we try to make everything as white-label as possible.

This week, we've officially implemented a new feature that promotes your brand and drives sales in yet another way: Backprinting! Going forward, your business name, your contact info and the retail support email address will be on the back of all standard print products ordered (with the ability to include your business logo coming soon). Plus, the back of the print includes a unique QR code that when scanned, directs back to that person's individual gallery from that event (even if scanned 10 years from now) so they can buy more prints and increase your residual sales long term! With this change, all NowCandid users will now be delivering an even higher quality product, promoting their brands more effectively than ever, booking more business, and bringing in more residual sales as the years go on.

We hope you are as excited as we are!

Note: your business name will replace NowCandid in the example image.

Let’s get in touch

If you’re a photographer looking to add NowCandid services to your wheelhouse – set up a call by clicking the button below.

How to customize formatting for each rich text

How to customize formatting for each rich text

How to customize formatting for each rich text

How to customize formatting for each rich text

How to customize formatting for each rich text
How to customize formatting for each rich text

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

  • List One
  • List Two
  • List Three
  • List Four
  • List Five

This is a link

This is bold text