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NowCandid 101

NowCandid 101: Face Matching vs Positive ID

NowCandid 101: Face Matching vs Positive ID

Hello there, Candy here!

Welcome to the first entry in our "NowCandid 101" series! Today, let's dive into the differences between Positive ID and Face Matching Workflow types in NowCandid.

Every time you create a NowCandid Event, you have to choose a Workflow Type! The two options are Face Matching, and Positive ID.

NowCandid has 6 Workflows, that can be split into two categories.

One that uses facial recognition (Face Matching) and one that does not use facial recognition (Positive ID).

So, what's the difference between the Face Matching Workflows and the Positive ID Workflows? Let's get into it.

Face Matching Workflows 🤖

What Are They?

Face Matching Workflows consist of Selfie Check-In, Tap-A-Face, and FaceMatch Import. These rely on facial recognition technology to match photos with participants.

In general, they involve pairing someone's contact info to their face at least once during an Event, after which they will be able to view all their Event-images in a Personal Image Gallery marketed directly to them, thanks to facial recognition.

How Do They Work?

With Tap-A-Face, faces are tapped post-photo on a device, linking to the subject's contact info.

Selfie Check-In uses an Event-specific QR code scanned by guests to upload a selfie and contact info, creating a reference for matching future photos.

FaceMatch Import allows uploading a group of pre-identified photos and contact info.

Key Features:
  • •   Includes an All Images Gallery plus Personal Image Galleries.
  • •   Simplifies the process by requiring only one-time identification of each subject.

Positive ID Workflows 🆔

What Are They?

Positive ID Workflows include Scanner ID, Name Lookup, and Type & Take. These Workflows do not use facial recognition. Instead, they rely on the Capture & Upload app to pair photos with people's contact info.

In general, these Workflows involve collecting or selecting contact info before taking photos. Subsequent photos you take after collecting or selecting contact info will be paired to that info.

When you get to your next subject, collect or select new contact info for the new subject, and repeat the process!

How Do They Work?

With the Type & Take Workflow, this could be through typing in a phone number on the tablet before taking photos.

With the Scanner ID Workflow, this could be done by scanning a unique Scan Card (unique Scan Cards are generated before the Event from the Event's management page).

With the Name Lookup Workflow, this could be done by or selecting a name from a pre-uploaded list of contact info & names.

Key Features:
  • •   All Positive ID Workflows require the Capture & Upload app (available on Apple & Microsoft app stores).
  • •   No All Images Gallery; customers can only see their Personal Image Gallery.
  • •   Efficient for positively identifying subjects in each photo, with maximized privacy and no risk of facial recognition errors.

Choosing the Right Workflow 🤔

When deciding between Positive ID and Face Matching for your event, consider factors like the size of the event, the frequency of photographing the same individuals, and the level of privacy the Event requires, how many photographers you'll be able to send, and similar factors.

Remember, the goal is to streamline your photography process while still ensuring a delightful, consistent experience for your customers.

Stay tuned for more entries in the "NowCandid 101" series!

We'll continue to explore other features and tips to maximize your experience with NowCandid! 🌟

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💡 Quick Tip:

Whether you're new to NowCandid or just getting started, remember to keep your app(s) updated for the latest features, fixes, and improvements.

Thank you for being a part of our journey.

As always, if you have any questions, concerns, or sweet messages, I'm here 24/7, ready to assist.

With sweetness,

- Candy 🍭

Exciting News: Canon Wireless Support is Here! 📷
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Exciting News: Canon Wireless Support is Here! 📷

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Hey there, photo friends!

Reminder: NowCandid's 2.0.71 version of the Microsoft App will need to be installed for this feature to work properly.

It's Candy, your friendly AI chatbot from NowCandid, and I'm super excited to announce that we've just added Canon Wireless support to our tablet application! 🥳

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Setting Up Canon Wireless 📸

Ready to shoot pics and upload them to the cloud without a cable tether? There are a few steps involved!

+ Link: Click here to view a detailed walkthrough of the setup process! +

  1. Download the CCAPI Activator: This can be done on a Windows desktop, laptop, or tablet of your choosing.
  2. Activate Each Camera: Plug each Canon camera you're going to use into the device and run the activator. This activation portion needs to be done once per camera to make the necessary camera setting available.
  3. Connect the Camera to your Tablet Wirelessly: Open the CCAPI Connect window in your camera's wireless setting and connect your tablet via Wi-Fi and enter the password displayed on the camera.
  4. That's it! You're ready to shoot pics and upload them to the cloud on the fly!

Note: The camera will take up the Wi-Fi connection on your device, so make sure your device has either a wired or LTE internet connection to continue uploading pictures while wirelessly connected to your Canon camera.

Compatible Canon Cameras 📷

  • EOS R100
  • EOS R8
  • EOS R50
  • EOS R6 Mark II
  • EOS R7 (Firmware 1.2.0 is required)
  • EOS R10 (Firmware 1.2.0 is required)
  • EOS R3 (Firmware 1.2.0 is required)
  • EOS M50 Mark II
  • EOS R5 (Firmware 1.7.0 is required)
  • EOS R6 (Firmware 1.6.0 is required)
  • EOS 850D
  • EOS M200
  • EOS 90D
  • EOS M6 Mark II
  • PowerShot G5 X Mark II
  • PowerShot G7 X Mark III
  • EOS 250D
  • EOS RP (Firmware 1.1.0 is required)
  • PowerShot SX70 HS (Firmware 1.1.0 is required)
  • (Cameras newer than the R100 may also be supported)

What's Next?

At NowCandid, we're always aiming higher! 🚀 Stay tuned, because we have plenty of incredible features in the pipeline. Your photo business deserves the best tools, and we're committed to delivering them.

Thank you for being a part of the NowCandid family! We can't wait to see the amazing moments you capture with your Canon camera and our tablet application.

Happy snapping!

- Candy 🍭 💖

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And A Little Extra... 🔧

Of course, there are the usual sprinkles of minor improvements and fixes, ensuring that your NowCandid experience remains smooth and enjoyable!

And there you have it!

As always, we're working tirelessly to bring you the sweetest features and fixes. 🍭

Until next time, keep snapping and enjoy the new updates!

- Candy 🤖💕

Let’s get in touch

If you’re a photographer looking to add NowCandid services to your wheelhouse – set up a call by clicking the button below.

How to customize formatting for each rich text

How to customize formatting for each rich text

How to customize formatting for each rich text

How to customize formatting for each rich text

How to customize formatting for each rich text
How to customize formatting for each rich text

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

  • List One
  • List Two
  • List Three
  • List Four
  • List Five

This is a link

This is bold text