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Teaser: NowCandid's Game-Changing Updates for Photographers!

Teaser: NowCandid's Game-Changing Updates for Photographers!
At NowCandid, we understand that the success of our platform hinges on the success of our photographers.

Over the past year, we have invested significant time, energy and resources into revamping our system, tailoring our software and interfaces to meet the specific wants and needs of photographers. Our commitment is to create solutions that are built around the photographer, for the photographer. Here’s a look at the powerful new features and functionalities coming to NowCandid:

New Updates to Boost Your Business

1. Custom Offers

Until now, NowCandid users could only use our premade Offers, which have been very successful - but the limited options have sometimes been restrictive in certain situations.

Now, we are excited to introduce the ability for photographers to create their own custom Offers.

This means you can now set your own prices, choose your own product lineup, set your shipping costs, and create your own packages.

You can even choose from a variety of color schemes, including animated holiday themes, that will change the color palette of the new retail site, Selfie Check-In site, and Scan Card Check-In site.

Speaking of, the Selfie Check-In site has been overhauled as well! And now will only allow the subject to take a selfie if there is only one face visible in their camera view.

If you're not sure where to start when building your first offer, instead of building from scratch you can use our recommended premade Offers as templates to get started.

Also, we have revamped our text & email marketing system for Custom Offer Events! Text marketing is now a bit trendier, and includes emojis to improve click rates, and gallery links for QuicPics will now be delivered from the same phone number as their QuicPics image files. Plus, if a new image is added to a subject's gallery after they make a purchase, they will now receive a text or email notification that new images have been added since their last visit.

These new features aim to break down significant obstacles NowCandid photographers have faced, and allow for greater flexibility and customization.

2. Simplified Retail Site with new Features

When you create a new Event using one of your Custom Offers, it will utilize an all-new, simplified, retail site! The new site has a very clean and simple look, and comes with a variety of cool features:

  • Cart-Wide Retouching: End customers can order retouching for all items in their cart for one flat price. This incentivizes larger orders, and allows photographers to focus on speedy delivery by skipping pre-upload retouching.
  • Third-Party Sign-In: Customers can sign in using Google, Apple, Facebook, or X/Twitter accounts. This provides access to an Event History of all personal galleries they’ve accessed, and an Order History complete with order statuses.
  • Product Page Rendering: When viewing the product page, most products will render with the customer's selected image, right there in the product gallery!
  • More Product Customization: Customers can choose from multiple product styles, and change an art style's primary & accent colors before adding the product to their cart.
  • AI Background Generation Tools: For images with backgrounds removed, customers can use text prompts to generate unique AI backgrounds tailored to their specifications, or choose from a variety of popular defaults.
  • Live Face Match Groups: Similar to our popular Group-by-Face feature, this allows faces in a Face Matching Event's gallery to be clicked to view other images in the Event with a matching face. However, this runs live during an Event (not just by triggering it afterwards) on all Tapped or Checked-In faces within the Event.
  • Retail Header Tweaks: Now includes the Event Name first and foremost, followed by your Business Name! Retail Support contact info will be featured frequently throughout the remainder of the sales process.
  • More Private Galleries: Personal Gallery links now require both an Event Name and a corresponding randomized sequence unique to that participant. Making each gallery more private than ever before.

3. App Version 4.0

Our upcoming app version 4.0 for iOS and Windows is a complete overhaul of version 3.22, including:

  • Improved UI: A refreshed user interface for a smoother experience.
  • Dark Mode: A new Dark Theme for the app's UI that also optimizes battery saving on OLED iOS devices.
  • Pre-Highlighted Faces: Enhanced Face Matching with pre-highlighted faces ensures subjects never miss their face when tapping.
  • Significant Performance Improvements: Reduced bugs, lag, and improved battery life.

4. Event Management Improvements

When managing your new Custom Offer Events (different from traditional NowCandid Events) you'll have access to new Event Management tools and information.

  • Manage Participants: A new Manage Participants interface so you can access your subjects' personal gallery URL.
  • Marketing Tracking: Number of marketing pieces sent out (counting both texts & emails sent).
  • Recent Orders: A new "recent orders" window.
  • Sales Chart: A new sales chart tracking sales over the first 30 days from your Event's start date.
  • Image Uploader: An all-new image-upload tool with a variety of improvements.

Why NowCandid?

NowCandid is designed to be incredibly simple to use, with no subscription fees, startup fees, or license fees. We only make money when you do.

Our platform is built to help you scale your business and brand by being completely white-label, handling customer support for your retail customers, and replacing orders damaged in shipping—all for free.

This means there's more time for you to focus on booking and shooting, while we handle the rest.

Ready to take your photography business to the next level? Embrace NowCandid’s new features and watch your business thrive!

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Assemble Your Photography A-Team: Tips for Hiring and Training Photographers
Photography Tips
May 16, 2023

Assemble Your Photography A-Team: Tips for Hiring and Training Photographers

 minutes read

As the great philosopher Voltaire once said, "With great power comes great responsibility." Well, maybe it was actually Uncle Ben from Spider-Man, but the point still stands! As your photography business grows, you'll need to expand your team and delegate tasks. In this blog post, we'll share tips on hiring and training photographers to help you build your very own photography A-Team. And with the support of NowCandid, you'll be well on your way to a thriving photo business.

1. Define Your Ideal Photographer:
Before you start hiring, take the time to define the qualities and skills you're looking for in a photographer. Consider the specific niches your business covers, your brand identity, and the type of work environment you aim to create.

2. Scout for Talent:
Look for photographers through local photography clubs, online communities, social media, and job boards. Reach out to your network and ask for recommendations. When you can’t find photographers, find social, outgoing personalities, and train them to be photographers! Oftentimes, an outgoing person trained to be a photographer is an easier prospect than training a shy photographer to be outgoing.

3. Conduct Thorough Interviews:
During the interview process, ask questions that allow candidates to showcase their skills, experience, and personality. Review their portfolios, ask for references, and consider conducting a trial shoot to see how they perform in action.

4. Offer Competitive Compensation:
To attract top talent, offer competitive compensation packages that include fair wages, bonuses, and potential for growth within your company. If you compensate with base pay + a per image rate, be sure to paint the picture of what their pay would be if they were successful in taking a lot of pictures at an event!

5. Invest in Training and Development:
Once you've hired your team of photographers, invest in their ongoing training and development. Encourage them to attend workshops, webinars, and conferences to stay updated with industry trends and techniques. Use some of NowCandid's training resources, as it can help streamline the training! And don’t forget to always keep them connected with your business's core values.

6. Establish Clear Expectations:
Set clear expectations for your photographers regarding their roles, responsibilities, and performance metrics. Regularly review their progress and provide constructive feedback to help them grow and improve.

7. Foster a Positive Work Environment:
Create a supportive, collaborative work environment where your photographers feel valued and motivated. Encourage open communication, provide opportunities for team-building activities, and celebrate your team's successes.

Hiring and training photographers for your business is a crucial step in scaling your operations and ensuring long-term success. By defining your ideal photographer, scouting for talent, and investing in their development, you can build a strong, capable team that will help your business soar to new heights. Embrace your role as a leader, and assemble your photography A-Team with confidence!

Capturing the Champions of Tomorrow: A Guide to Youth Sports Photography Portrait Shoots and Team Photos
May 3, 2023

Capturing the Champions of Tomorrow: A Guide to Youth Sports Photography Portrait Shoots and Team Photos

 minutes read

Youth sports photography is all about capturing the energy, passion, and camaraderie of young athletes as they embark on their journey to greatness. In this blog post, we'll share tips for getting started in youth sports portrait photography and team photos, and how NowCandid can help you achieve success in this exciting niche.

  1. Build Trust and Rapport with Athletes and Their Families:
    Young athletes may be nervous or shy in front of the camera, so it's essential to build trust and rapport with them and their families. Communicate openly, listen to their preferences, and share your enthusiasm for their achievements. Remember, your role as a photographer is to create a fun, positive experience for all involved.
  2. Choose the Right Location and Background:
    Select a location that showcases the sport's essence and complements the athletes' uniforms and team colors. Opt for natural settings such as fields or courts, or use a portable backdrop for a clean, professional look. Ensure the background is uncluttered and free from distractions to keep the focus on the young athletes.
  3. Master the Art of Posing and Composition:
    Like a superhero assembling their squad, guide your subjects into flattering and dynamic poses that showcase their personality and athleticism. Experiment with individual and group poses, ensuring each athlete's face and uniform are visible. Use a mix of traditional and creative compositions to create a diverse and visually engaging portfolio.
  4. Utilize Natural Light and Flash Techniques:
    Youth sports portrait photography often takes place outdoors, so make the most of natural light. Shoot during the golden hour for soft, warm lighting, and use a reflector to bounce light onto your subjects. For indoor shoots, invest in a portable flash kit to create well-lit, professional-looking images.
  5. Offer Customized Products and Packages:
    Offer a range of customizable products and packages to appeal to various clients and budgets. From prints and digital files to keychains and plaques, showcase your photos on a wide variety of products to provide a valuable service for your clients.
  6. Partner with NowCandid to Streamline Your Business:
    As Doc Brown from "Back to the Future" once said, "The future is whatever you make it, so make it a good one." NowCandid's powerful platform helps you make that good future for yourself. It can do a lot for youth sports photographers, like streamline their workflow, handle customer support, deal with all order fulfillment, and boost sales. By integrating NowCandid into your business, you can focus on capturing the champions of tomorrow while enjoying a seamless and efficient process from start to finish.

Youth sports portrait photography offers a unique opportunity to capture the passion and determination of young athletes as they strive for greatness. By following these tips and harnessing the power of NowCandid, you'll be well on your way to building a successful career in this exciting and rewarding niche. Now, go forth and capture the future legends of the sports world!

Helpful Tips: Using QuicPics at your Proms
April 19, 2023

Helpful Tips: Using QuicPics at your Proms

 minutes read

QuicPics is an innovative photo booth alternative designed to enhance the photo-taking experience at events like proms. As a photographer, QuicPics allows you to offer a modern, fun, and interactive experience for prom attendees, while you get paid upfront for your services. It can be sold as a “mobile photo booth” service, as a manned portrait station akin to traditional photo booths, or as a service where you provide both! Thanks to our cloud, no matter how many photographers or photo stations you have, they’ll all talk to each other, meaning guests only have to provide their contact info once. 

This short guide will walk you through how to effectively use QuicPics for a prom night:

  1. First, Understanding QuicPics:
    QuicPics is quite different from NowCandid’s other programs, it texts image files directly to guests in addition to a link to their online gallery. With NowCandid’s other programs, only links to online galleries of images are delivered. QuicPics also charges the photographer for each image they take and upload to the cloud, making it the only NowCandid feature that charges the photographer in any way.
  2. QuicPics’ Advantage:
    QuicPics is a perfect alternative to traditional photo booths. It's a mobile, modern, interactive, and engaging way to capture memories at proms. With instant texting of images to attendees, QuicPics ensures a seamless experience for everyone involved.
  3. Create a Unique Photo Station:
    Make your photo station stand out by offering themed backdrops, fun props, and creative lighting. This will not only draw the prom-goers to your station but also encourage them to share their professional photos on social media, giving you free advertising and potentially attracting new clients.
  4. Pricing and Payment:
    As a photographer, it's essential to get paid upfront for your services. We recommend charging between $200 to $300 per photographer hour, possibly offering a discount if they are requesting a large number of photographers and/or hours. Alternatively, talk to the school or with involved parents about increasing the cost of prom tickets to pay for QuicPics services for the prom. Take payments using PayPal, Square, Venmo, via check, checkout on your own website, or whatever means are most convenient for you! Just ensure it looks professional to the school you’re dealing with.
  5. Planning your Workflow:
    To ensure a smooth process, have a tablet available for prom attendees to interact with the QuicPics platform. This will allow them to receive their photos via text message instantly thanks to the LTE connection of the tablets. We recommend using the Tap-A-Face workflow, which simplifies the process of collecting data and pairing it to their face, as well as being a fun addition to the prom already!
  6. Selling the Service:
    To promote your QuicPics services, create a compelling sales pitch that highlights the benefits of a mobile photo booth experience, the convenience of instant photo sharing, and the interactive nature of the platform. Showcase sample photos and emphasize the unique value QuicPics brings to a prom night.

QuicPics is a fun, interactive, and modern solution to traditional photo booths, making it an excellent addition to any prom night. By following these tips, hopefully you'll be able to provide a memorable experience for prom attendees while securing payment for your services. Happy snapping!

Let’s get in touch

If you’re a photographer looking to add NowCandid services to your wheelhouse – set up a call by clicking the button below.

How to customize formatting for each rich text

How to customize formatting for each rich text

How to customize formatting for each rich text

How to customize formatting for each rich text

How to customize formatting for each rich text
How to customize formatting for each rich text

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

  • List One
  • List Two
  • List Three
  • List Four
  • List Five

This is a link

This is bold text