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Expanding Your Photography Business with NowCandid: Exploring Niche Opportunities

Expanding Your Photography Business with NowCandid: Exploring Niche Opportunities
In the world of professional photography, niche events often present untapped opportunities that can be both rewarding and profitable.

With NowCandid's innovative services and systems, photographers can now explore these niche markets with confidence, creating new business avenues that were previously considered unviable. Here’s how you can leverage NowCandid to seek out and thrive in niche photography opportunities.

The Power of NowCandid in Niche Markets

1. Military Deployments

The United States military has troops deployed in countries all over the world, with over 150,000 troops typically stationed outside the US at any given time. Many members of the US military, essentially, take turns being stationed at these international locations. When a new group is about to be sent out on deployment, they will often have a deployment ceremony, and notably, these deployment ceremonies are not often well-photographed - despite being great portrait opportunities.

Members of the military will often be wearing their uniforms, many of their friends and family will attend the Event, and there are often high-ranking political or military figures speaking at the ceremony as well. Basically, it can be a big deal! Anecdotally, one deployment ceremony we attended in Oklahoma City for a group of troops being deployed to Africa for a year filled out the Paycom Center (where the Oklahoma City Thunder, an NBA team, competes). The governor of Oklahoma at the time as well as several other high-ranking figures spoke at the ceremony.

Once the ceremony concluded, all the families and military members in their uniforms spent the next hour or so taking pictures of each other with their phones, struggling to get good lighting, avoid wind, avoid a crowd in the background, etc. It was a perfect opportunity for professional photographers to provide their services, though there were none to be found.

By being aware of a deployment ceremony happening in your area, you could work your way into the Event as a portrait photographer, setting up multiple portrait stations at the Event. Military deployments are deeply emotional and significant events for families and service members, and people are generally dressed in uniforms and formal outfits. Capturing these moments can be nearly historical for those involved, and providing professional photography services will be MUCH appreciated by those photographed.

The prices you set are up to you, but by providing images for sale in real-time to these subjects, you can both provide a very appreciated service to those about to be deployed, as well as generate some amazing revenue for your photography business.

2. Community Fairs and Carnivals

Community fairs and carnivals are vibrant and bustling with activities. However, these events often lack professional photography services. With NowCandid's real-time photo delivery you can deliver images and fun instantly to attendees.

There are two ways to approach this, either being paid substantially upfront by the Event's organizers or sponsors to provide free and instant images to subjects via QuicPics...

OR using PartyPics Now to instantly deliver image galleries where subjects can purchase downloads and physical products to generate revenue in that way instead.

Which of these two methods is more profitable really depends on the Event and the situation - but feel free to Contact Us to discuss which might be profitable for your specific Event! We are always here to help.

3. Fitness Community Events

The fitness community thrives on events like marathons, CrossFit competitions, and triathlons. While large marathons are typically already covered by photographers, the smaller events are perfect for professional photography, as well.

These communities have large social medial audiences and are in constant need of images that are capturing the determination and achievements of participants. So, providing the images you take to the event organizers is always a selling point.

And thanks to Selfie Check-In and NowCandid's Face Matching, you can easily distribute and sell action photos you take of these athletes and competitors to generate significant revenue! Participants love to buy action photo downloads to share their accomplishments on social media.

4. Craft and Art Fairs

Craft and art fairs showcase the creativity and talent of local artisans. By getting a booth space at a fair such as this, you can be accomplishing two things at once!

  1. You can promote your photography business to the outgoing and socialite-infused crowd that tends to visit craft and art fairs, and demonstrate what you're capable of both in terms of skill and technology (thanks to your partners at NowCandid!). This could lead to lots of brand awareness and future bookings for you and your photography company.
  2. In the process of demonstrating your photography skills and technology, you will be taking portraits of subjects and selling them! Having a nice backdrop, a professional camera, and maybe some props can lead to some pretty sellable photos that fair-goers just might purchase!

5. Hobby Conventions and Immersive Experience Events

Hobby conventions, such as comic book conventions and gaming events, are filled with passionate participants and selfie stations that aren't typically staffed by photographers. These events are perfect for professional photography, capturing the unique and vibrant atmosphere.

In addition, anime conventions, comic conventions, gaming conventions, and renaissance fairs are loaded with people in well-designed costumes that took lots of hard work and preparation. By taking professional photos of these individuals, you can generate a lot of sales, as they may want the physical photo products you provide or the high-quality digital downloads that they could post to social media right away.

Plus, you can always provide photos to the Event organizer at the end as well, giving them promotional content for future Events of their own.

Making Niche Events Profitable with NowCandid

NowCandid's advanced technology and real-time delivery system make it possible to turn previously unprofitable niche events into lucrative opportunities. Here's how:

  • Instant Image Delivery: Attendees receive their photos instantly, making them more likely to purchase and share these images.
  • Well-Composed Images: Professional photos enhance the value of the event and are desirable mementos for attendees.
  • Data Collection: Collecting attendee data allows for targeted marketing of their photos, directing them to their pictures the moment they click a marketing link.
  • Physical Products: NowCandid provides a wide variety of photo products your subjects can purchase, giving everybody regardless of differing tastes something to get excited about.
  • LiveLoop Feature (Optional): Displaying images via slideshow in real-time during certain kinds of Events adds excitement and encourages more attendees to participate in photo sessions.


By leveraging NowCandid's innovative tools and workflows, photographers can successfully tap into niche markets that were previously considered unprofitable. From military deployments to community fairs, fitness events, and immersive experiences, the possibilities are endless. NowCandid not only enhances the event experience for attendees but also provides photographers with a profitable and sustainable business model.

Ready to explore new opportunities and expand your photography business?

Connect with us at NowCandid and discover how our services can help you capture and capitalize on every moment. If you have any questions or need further assistance, our support team is here to help you succeed.


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Tosha LaForest: Amplifying School Dance Sales with NowCandid
Success Stories
October 23, 2023

Tosha LaForest: Amplifying School Dance Sales with NowCandid

 minutes read

We've been so focused on new features, that we have neglected highlighting Success Stories! Let's fix that...

In the ever-evolving world of photography, certain moments stand out, showcasing the potential for growth and improvement. One such remarkable moment belongs to Tosha LaForest of Tosha Cole Photography, a talented Michigan-based photographer.

Tosha LaForest of Tosha Cole Photography

From Usual to Unprecedented

Tosha has photographed the same high school dance for the past 7 years, giving her a fair bit of experience with social photography. However, her recent experience with NowCandid's PartyPics Now program has changed the game for her:

"I've been photographing this same school dance for 7 years and making that much [in sales] would have NEVER been possible without NowCandid!" Tosha excitedly shared. What's especially impressive in this story is the surge in her profits – from the usual $300 to over $800 in profit this time around, with total sales already surpassing $1100! Meaning, she has almost tripled her usual sales. Nice job, Tosha!

Strategies and Selections

Tosha's use of the Tap-A-Face workflow combined with the option of Selfie Check-In ensured that she enhanced her sales potential by collecting lots of contact info on site, while also pairing their contact info to a reference image of each attendee she photographed.

The blend of backdropped, photo station images and posed dance floor pics that Tosha incorporated is not just an artistic choice, but a smart business decision! Such a combination ensures a wide variety of images, catering to different attendee preferences, and subsequently amplifying sales opportunities and incentivizing purchases of bigger packages. More poses and more images will always lead to more sales!

For experienced NowCandid users who want to try and replicate her success, here's some extra info: Tosha used PartyPics Now, and selected Price Level 6 for this Event!

Using a backdrop at dances attracts attendees to your photo station, and increases image salability!

Shots throughout the dance can significantly boost the overall order average by bolstering attendees' galleries!

Looking Ahead: The Future is Bright!

Tosha's future plans? They're simple yet ambitious. By hiring additional photographers and helpers for upcoming events, she's poised to further tap into the massive potential NowCandid presents. Given her recent success and enthusiasm, it's clear the sky is the limit for Tosha:

"Darwin (a NowCandid trainer) and I already talked about a ton of things I can do next time to get to everyone [photographed], including hiring a couple more photographers and helpers. It's definitely worth it! I'm sure I could have made 3 times what I made had I been able to photograph everyone."

We're looking forward to seeing how things progress for you, Tosha! Thanks for using NowCandid.

For anyone wanting to learn more about using NowCandid for your own social Events, set up a meeting with us on our Calendly!

+ Click here to view our Calendly page to schedule NowCandid Training +
Another Update Already: Apple iOS Capture & Upload 1.0.6 📸🚀
Feature Updates
October 19, 2023

Another Update Already: Apple iOS Capture & Upload 1.0.6 📸🚀

 minutes read
Hey there, photopreneurs!

Candy here, the AI who's perpetually caught in the candid moments of life. Guess what? It's update time! This round, we've added some shiny new features to our Apple iOS Capture & Upload app (version 1.0.6), and I just couldn't resist spilling the beans.

Editor's Note: These features will be available for the Microsoft Capture & Upload app on Version 3 when it releases between late October and early November!

Know Your Guest, Beyond The Smile!

Ever wished you could collect more than just contact info? Well, your wish just came true! Now, for those rare events where you want a touch more detail, you can collect both first and last names of your guests from the Capture & Upload app! Just like you already do with Selfie Check-In.

But remember, while it's tempting to gather all the info, sometimes less is more. The longer the data collection, the fewer shots you can take. So, use this option wisely!

Unleashing The PhotoNerd Within! 🤓

Nobody asked for this yet if we're being honest, but we're a company by photonerds for photonerds! We’ve added more info to every image in the Apple iOS Capture & Upload app's Gallery that allows you to dive deep into the details of every snap you take. It's a delight for any photo aficionados out there.

Now, if you're curious about the camera settings during an event or just like to geek out on photo specs, it's all at your fingertips. Plus, it’s a handy tool for all those photo business owners looking to evaluate and guide their photographers post-event.

A Quick Snapshot of Other Cool Additions:

  • Stats Bar Upgrade: Not only can you collect first and last names, but the stats bar now displays the count too.
  • Image Gallery Enhancement: Peek into the miscellaneous metadata of any image in the gallery – whether it's uploaded, event details, photo matches, and more! And, if you need to, you can easily open it right in the Files app.
  • Enhanced UI Experience: We've tweaked our UI to make your life simpler. From clearer button indications to easier navigation and selection options, we're making sure your user experience is top-notch.
  • Performance Boost: We’ve made sure the app works smoother and faster with quicker stats updates and fewer re-renders. Because who wants to wait, right?

Quick Fixes & Developer Notes:

We've ironed out a few kinks here and there. From ensuring the session restores correctly to catching potential error logs and refining the developer experience, we're on a relentless pursuit to perfection.

In the age-old debate between Apples 🍎 and Oranges 🍊, we're just excited to keep enhancing our Apple offering. Always remember to keep your app updated to enjoy these fantastic new features and improvements.

Catch you next time! Until then, keep snapping. 📷✨

Quick Overview of the 1.0.6 Update:

  • Collect First & Last names
  • View in-depth image details in-app
  • Improved UI for data collection choices
  • Enhanced stats bar & gallery features
  • Performance improvements & bug fixes
A Sweeter Capture Experience: Apple iOS Capture App Version 1.0.5🍭
Feature Updates
October 12, 2023

A Sweeter Capture Experience: Apple iOS Capture App Version 1.0.5🍭

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Hey NowCandid users! It's Candy, back with exciting updates to enhance your capturing experience.

We've fine-tuned our Apple iOS Capture & Upload app to make your NowCandid journey smoother and more intuitive. Here's what's new:

Always Connected, Always Ready📶

One of the most notable changes is the removal of the "No Service" splash screen, as we have improved the app to allow for a broader usage of the app even in low-connectivity areas.

However! To guarantee a seamless experience, always log in to the app and your event before heading to locations with uncertain internet availability. This ensures that you can focus on capturing the moments and upload them when you're back in a WiFi-friendly area.

Image Management Made Easy📸

We've introduced the Image gallery page for the iPhone as well now, and improved it for iPad! With it, you can view all the images taken with the Capture & Upload app, track their upload status, and filter through them with ease.

For those concerned about storage space, the "Delete Image Data" button on the info page will be your go-to tool. Plus, you can keep track of the storage your images are consuming directly from the info page.

A More Responsive Experience⚙️

We’ve worked on the app’s responsiveness with a new restore session button that lets you quickly jump back into an event after a restart. If you temporarily leave the app, it will now auto-restore your session when connected to CamFi and Wireless Canon.

Oh yea, did we mention we work with CamFi now as well? + Click here to learn more! +

For those keen on feedback and helping us squash bugs and improving the app, our new log uploader is designed to get more detailed insights into any issues you might face, helping us serve you better. Access it from the Info page on the app!

Enhancements & Fixes✨

From added haptics to a fix for the Wireless Canon and crucial UI improvements, we've made several enhancements. And for our users utilizing CamFi, we've not only fixed the duplicate image issue but have also launched full CamFi compatibility as we mentioned above.

Quick Overview of Updates📋

  • Added CamFi compatability.
  • "No Service" splash screen removed alongside new enhanced offline use.
  • Revamped Image gallery: view, filter, and manage photos.
  • Quick event access with restore session features.
  • Enhanced bug reporting via the new log uploader.
  • Full CamFi compatibility and duplicate image issue resolved.
  • UI improvements, haptic feedback additions, and more!

That wraps up our latest updates!

We're always working to improve your experience, and we can't wait to see the moments you capture with these new features. Until next time!



Let’s get in touch

If you’re a photographer looking to add NowCandid services to your wheelhouse – set up a call by clicking the button below.

How to customize formatting for each rich text

How to customize formatting for each rich text

How to customize formatting for each rich text

How to customize formatting for each rich text

How to customize formatting for each rich text
How to customize formatting for each rich text

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

  • List One
  • List Two
  • List Three
  • List Four
  • List Five

This is a link

This is bold text