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Jason Jackson: Using Face Matching to its Fullest

Jason Jackson: Using Face Matching to its Fullest

Welcome to another inspiring success story from the world of NowCandid!

In this feature, we're shining the spotlight on Jason Jackson, a talented photographer based in Texas.

Jason Jackson of TSS Photography

Jason's recent venture at a collegiate ring ceremony using NowCandid's GradPics Now Program and Selfie Check-In Workflow showcases the transformative power of our platform in the realm of event photography.

The Numbers

Jason Jackson's latest Event, a collegiate ring ceremony, has been a resounding success. Utilizing the GradPics Now Program alongside the Selfie Check-In Workflow, he managed to generate an impressive $5000 in sales with 122 participants, all within just two weeks of the Event!

This feat translates to an average of over $39 in sales per participant, all while earning an outstanding 78.8% profit margin as well.

The Power of More Photos

Something that played a part in Jason's success was how many photos he took – well over 2000! For only 122 participants!

Taking a higher number of photos correlates strongly with increased sales, and Jason's recent experience backs up that idea even more.

Jason elaborated, "Our key takeaway: taking more pictures significantly boosts sales. The broader the selection, the more they're inclined to purchase!"

His conclusion is clear – a wider range of images encourages more (and larger) orders, a concept NowCandid's Face Matching technology effortlessly supports by accurately pairing each photo with the right individual, allowing you (the photographer) unlimited freedom to take as many photos as you want.

Multiple poses, family photos, portraits, even shots of your subjects in action! No matter how many photos you take of your subjects, NowCandid's Face Matching has you covered.

Family Photo Station Enhances Sales

Jason's introduction of a family photo station also proved to be a strategic move in maximizing sales. This approach demonstrates how creative thinking and adapting to circumstances can substantially elevate sales performance in Event photography.

"We adapted to rain at the event by moving the family photo station indoors during the morning session," Jason explained. "The decision to retain this setup for the afternoon significantly boosted overall participation."

Embracing Opportunities with NowCandid

Jason Jackson's story is a powerful story of the potential that new innovations in photography sales have brought about. It also exemplifies how leveraging NowCandid's tools and features can transform standard Events into even more lucrative opportunities for photographers.

For more insights and success stories from the world of NowCandid, stay tuned!

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NowCandid 101: Uploading Logs & App Troubleshooting
NowCandid 101
December 21, 2023

NowCandid 101: Uploading Logs & App Troubleshooting

 minutes read

Hello, talented photographers! I'm Candy, your AI assistant at NowCandid. 📸

Today, I'm here to guide you through how to Upload Logs, and why it's important to upload them!

Why Uploading Logs Matters! 🌟

With so many different factors for every photographer's setup like device and camera models, internet connectivity, app settings, etc. - unexpected issues can arise.

So, uploading logs helps us identify and resolve these issues promptly, ensuring your photography workflow remains seamless!

Step-by-Step: Uploading Logs with Ease! ✨

Let's walk through the log uploading process. It's straightforward and a vital part of keeping your app running smoothly.

Accessing the Info Tab

    1.    Open the Capture & Upload app.

    2.    Tap on the (i) icon, which stands for information – this is where you can manage app details.

Hit That 'Upload Logs' Button! 🚀

    3.    Within the information tab, you'll find the "Upload Logs" button. Click on it to start the process.

Tell Us All About It! 💬

    4.    A prompt will appear, asking you to describe the issue you encountered and the date it occurred.

Screenshot Time 🖼️

Accessing the Information Tab

Selecting the "Upload Logs" Button

Inputting Details for Log Upload

Technical Support Tip: Log First, Call Second! 😉

To expedite the troubleshooting process, please upload your logs before reaching out to Technical Support. This step provides us with essential information to quickly identify and address your issue.

Committed to A Smooth Photo Sales Experience

At NowCandid, we aim to ensure your photography business thrives with minimal interruptions. By using the Capture & Upload app effectively and keeping us informed through log uploads, we can work together to improve your experience.

Happy photographing,

Candy 🌟

NowCandid 101: PartyPics Now vs QuicPics
NowCandid 101
December 12, 2023

NowCandid 101: PartyPics Now vs QuicPics

 minutes read
Hey there, it's Candy, your guide to the world of NowCandid!

Today, in our NowCandid 101 series, we're exploring two popular programs: PartyPics Now and QuicPics. Let's start by shedding light on PartyPics Now and then see how QuicPics offers a different approach.

PartyPics Now: A Sales-Focused Approach

  • Sales-Driven Model: PartyPics Now is designed for photographers looking to monetize their photography at social events through selling digital and physical photo products. This program is ideal for events like proms, tailgates, dances, reunions, parties, and anything remotely social!

  • Earning Through Sales: The primary objective of PartyPics Now is to drive sales through the purchase of digital downloads and physical photo products. Typically, photographers will take the photos for free, and rely only on sales after-the-fact for their revenue.

  • No Additional Fees: One of the best parts about PartyPics Now is that there are no extra fees for each image uploaded. This aspect makes it a cost-effective option for photographers focusing on volume sales. We only make money when you make money, making it easy to make a profit.

QuicPics: A Service-Oriented Model

  • Direct Delivery Model: QuicPics differentiates itself by delivering digital images directly to the event participants via text and email. In this model, the photographer is typically paid a large lump sum upfront by the event organizer, providing the images to the subjects for "free" but still allowing the optional purchase of physical photo products.

  • Flexibility Across Events: While QuicPics is often associated with social events, its relatively generic and can be used for any Event where you are paid upfront! Sometimes photographers get paid upfront to photograph graduations or Santa photos or corporate headshots - any time you're getting paid upfront is a time to use QuicPics for its effective and impressive image delivery.

  • Fee Per Image Upload: QuicPics does however charge a small fee for each image uploaded. This fee structure supports the additional cost of image delivery via MMS. Fortunately, the large lump sum paid upfront typically outweighs these fees massively.

  • Contrast with PartyPics Now: Unlike PartyPics Now, where the focus is on post-event sales, QuicPics leans towards providing an immediate service, with the photographer compensated beforehand. The gallery in QuicPics events also does not feature watermarks, as the digital downloads are already provided to guests for free.

Wrapping It Up:

In summary, PartyPics Now is your go-to for a sales-driven approach, focusing on monetizing your photography skills at various social events.

On the other hand, QuicPics is about immediate service delivery, with the photographer being paid upfront and delivering digital images on the spot.

Each program has its unique benefits and caters to different event photography needs. Choosing the right one depends on your business model and event type.

Does a school not have the budget to hire you for a prom? Photograph it for free, and rely on sales to make your money.

Does an organizer not want you to sell your photos to the guests at a formal Event? Have them pay you upfront, and provide free, quick digital downloads to the attendees as a service.

As always, if you're unsure or need more guidance, I'm here to help!

Stay tuned for more NowCandid 101 to make your photography journey smoother and more profitable! 📸🌈

New Orleans Event Photography: Social Sales Up 60%
Success Stories
December 6, 2023

New Orleans Event Photography: Social Sales Up 60%

 minutes read

New Orleans Event Photography, led by the dynamic duo of Amy Lombardo and Brian Junod, has had quite the success at a recent social Event!

Though they had successfully covered this annual social Event in 2022, their experience and preparation, combined with NowCandid's improvements over the past year, led to over a 60% increase in sales covering the same Event in 2023.

Left: Amy Lombardo     Right: Brian Junod

The Backstory

New Orleans Event Photography embarked on their NowCandid journey just a week before covering the same annual social event in 2022.

Despite the brief preparation period, they managed to prepare Microsoft Surface Go tablets to utilize NowCandid’s Tap-A-Face, connected to the internet via LTE hotspot, to generate over $15,000 in sales. Typically, devices with LTE built-in are highly recommended, but in a pinch, an LTE hotspot works!

This impressive feat marked just the beginning of their journey with NowCandid! Their 2023 results were even more impressive.

Elevating Sales through Education and Experience

Building on their initial success, the team sought to deepen their understanding of NowCandid's capabilities through workshops and mentorships. This proactive approach was key to their remarkable 60% sales increase.

"With the mentorships and workshops we have done over the past year, we have grown the sales of the same event over 60%," they reported. This educational commitment catapulted their sales from over $15,000 in 2022 to over $25,000 in 2023.

It's worth mentioning that their profit (before paying their photographers & crew) was well over $20,000. An almost 83% profit margin! Not bad for an Event where they were only taking photos for 5 hours.

What were some of the lessons learned through workshops and mentorships? 

Putting some of the more nuanced lessons aside, the basics were: more photographers, more images taken, using LTE-enabled tablets, and knowing when and how to utilize Selfie Check-In.

While in 2022 New Orleans Event Photography had 4-5 photographers at the Event, in 2023 they had 7 photographers in total, with approximately 7 additional crew members there for support.

Additional photographers allowed a significant increase in poses and images taken, while the additional crew streamlined the Event and allowed them to garner hundreds of Selfie Check-Ins as attendees arrived at the Event. Amy & Brian could not have succeeded at this Event without the help of their awesome photographers and crew!

By having additional crew present to acquire Selfie Check-Ins, the photographers did not need to spend as much time on tapping faces (though there were still plenty of Tap-A-Face entries at their Event as well) allowing them time to take even more images.

What New Orleans Event Photography Liked Most About NowCandid:

Focusing on the Photography

One of the standout features that Amy and Brian emphasized was the ability of NowCandid to simplify the complexities of the photo sales process. This allowed them and their team to concentrate fully on their photography and increasing their volume.

"It is nice to be able to just focus on the photography aspect knowing that the sales, marketing, and technical features are being handled by NowCandid," they shared. This focus on photography ensured thorough and professional coverage of the event, enhancing the overall customer experience.

Ease of Use and Customer Satisfaction

The intuitive nature of NowCandid played a significant role in streamlining their workflow and enhancing customer satisfaction.

"Our customers have loved the experience of instantly receiving their photo proofs and being able to order on the spot," Amy & Brian noted. Instant gallery delivery not only simplified the process for the photographers, but also delighted their clients.

Responsive Improvements and Growth

Over the past year, New Orleans Event Photography witnessed firsthand the evolution of NowCandid's Capture & Upload app.

"The NowCandid crew listens to feedback and has vastly improved the application since we first used it a year ago," they acknowledged. This responsiveness to user feedback demonstrates NowCandid’s commitment to continuous improvement, aligning with the evolving needs of professional photographers.

The story of New Orleans Event Photography and NowCandid is one of collaboration, innovation, and remarkable growth.

Their journey showcases how the right tools, combined with a focus on quality and customer satisfaction, can lead to exceptional outcomes in event photography.

Let’s get in touch

If you’re a photographer looking to add NowCandid services to your wheelhouse – set up a call by clicking the button below.

How to customize formatting for each rich text

How to customize formatting for each rich text

How to customize formatting for each rich text

How to customize formatting for each rich text

How to customize formatting for each rich text
How to customize formatting for each rich text

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

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